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10 Ways Gary and I Are Different

1. He likes to go to bed with the chickens and wake up before them.

    I like to go to bed after late night television and wake up in time for brunch, although that

    usually doesn’t work when you have kids and a husband who rise with the chickens.

2. He craves salty things.

     I love sweets.

3. He doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty.

   I am a major germ-o-phobe who should buy stock in hand sanitizer.

4. He’s an auditory learner.

   I’m more visual.

5. He could spend a whole day outside fishing and hunting mushrooms.

   I could spend a whole day on the couch reading (or writing) a book.

6. He can fix just about anything.

   I probably couldn’t fix anything that doesn’t require a reset button or superglue if my life

   depended on it.

7. He could eat steak and potatoes every day.

   I could eat pasta and seafood every day.

8. He has to be extremely early to everywhere he goes.

   I try to be early, (really, I do), but am usually late.

9. He is the youngest child in his family.

    I am the oldest child in my family.

10. He can cook pretty much anything.

    I try. Really, I do.

Perhaps the saying, “opposites attract” is true. Somehow, we make it work and are still in love after 15 years.

What about you and your significant other? How are you different from one another?

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