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Rain, Glorious Rain!

Yard Flooded

As you may know, here in western Oklahoma, we have been in a drought for several years. It’s been so dry that lakes are almost drained; Towns are running low on drinking water; Farmers don’t have enough water in their ponds for cattle and wheat fields are being cut for hay or plowed under to collect insurance. One of our small towns, Canton, whose economy relies heavily on Canton Lake, has mom and pop businesses closing their doors because the lake that attracts people to their town is almost dry. Sad, just so very sad that all they have worked for and their livelihood is evaporating along with the precious water. I have heard that this drought is comparable to the Dust Bowl days and I believe it. I actually researched on mesonet.org just how much rain has fallen in my area in the last 365 days and found that my county ranged in the 19-24 inches category for the last year. Crazy, dessert dry, I know!



Church groups and Christians across the state have been actively praying for rain because we know God will provide. So, you can imagine the thrill we all felt when the weather forecasters predicted we would get 2-4+ inches of rain over the last week, and we actually received it. Kids and adults alike flocked outside to sit on the porch or run in the yard while the cleansing, refreshing rain poured down around us.


We had about 3.5 inches in a 5 day period. As you can see in this picture, my oldest actually had to go find our water meter lid that had floated away because the rains came down so hard and quick that day that water was running down the road and puddling in the yards. In one of the pictures, you might even be able to see a kiddo splashing away in the newly formed pool in our front yard.

We are not out of the drought by far, but God does provide. Prayers of praise going up to God this week for the rain, glorious rain!

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