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Christmas Break Is Officially Over!

So it’s back to school time.  It’s so hard to be plunged back into reality after having been home with the kiddos, lounging around every day of Christmas break, zoned into the new computer games and movies, getting to actually clean house, and eating and sleeping at odd hours. I enjoyed not leaving my house for days at a time and living in the fictional worlds of my books and movies. Although I like my job and love my school kids, I was a bit reluctant to set the alarm at 5:30 AM, drag the kids out of bed to leave for school with Grandma before the sun rises, and then drive the 15 miles to work all before my night-owl self really wanted to be out of bed.

One of our Christmas Break projectsGE DIGITAL CAMERA


I know what you’re thinking. What a whiner! Yes, I must admit I am spoiled when it comes to time I get to spend with my kids, but for that time we do make sacrifices, as well.  Along with the choice to have a job with fewer hours and a school schedule comes very little pay, but I think money will come and go, but the time spent with my kiddos before they are grown is irreplaceable. I do not envy the teachers that spent their whole break doing lesson plans and grading. I’ve been there and done that and I would much rather spend that time with my kids who are growing much faster than I want to admit. Okay, enough mushy stuff. Well, maybe.

I normally make the usual “I’m going to get healthy” resolution, but this year my family also made a more eternally consequential resolution. We are going to read the Bible in a year as a family. We have made it for the first week by reading a few chapters every night before or after supper. This is one resolution that I am actually resolved to keep. And if I forget, then Gary reminds me. And if we forget, then I’m sure my youngest will chime in because she never forgets anything.

What about you? Did you make any resolutions? How are you holding yourself accountable in keeping them? Even the best intentions are sometimes hard to follow through with.

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