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Impressive Views From My Walk This Morning


So I’ve been trying to fit more exercise into my life and therefore, have been doing a little walking around the neighborhood lately. Since our house doesn’t have anything but some trees to the north or south of us, there is plenty of places to stop along the way and take in the scenery. And, of course, I had to capture just a few pictures.


I adore the fact that we can see for miles and miles. My oldest and I were walking right before it rained, so the whole sky was hazy and overcast with mist falling on us. A cold front came through while we were out, causing the temperature to actually fall to 63 degrees in June instead of the 90 degree temps Oklahoma usually sees. It was absolutely perfect.


It’s amazing the little things you miss if you don’t take the time to look around, even right outside your own house. My son took me on a tour of his bike trails he’s been making in his spare time. I just love his creativity.


And our tiny garden we planted in the back flowerbeds is starting to produce tomatoes, squash, and green peppers. This is actually the smallest garden we have had since Gary and I were married. For a few years before my grandma died, we actually had a garden that the whole family shared that was about half as big as a football field. I still remember looking outside my kitchen window in the mornings and seeing my grandparents picking green beans. The picture of my Grandma bent over the plants, wearing her large-brimmed hat, will always stick in my mind.


Another thing you see when you live in a small, rural town is old things. Neat antiques that may clutter the land here and there, but oh, if they could tell their stories. These combines happen to be owned by my uncle. I could look at antiques, no matter what they are, all day. I don’t think people appreciate old things enough. I don’t think people appreciate our history and where we’ve come from enough.



There is beauty all around us, even right outside our front doors. It might be in the 10 mile view of trees and land you have from your front porch, the birds chirping in the trees, the sky scrapers towering above your head, the old farm machinery parked behind the neighbor’s barn, the bright lights of the city, your children tickling each other on the couch, or some wild flowers growing on the side of the road.


The list could go on and on. We’ve just got to take time to stop and smell the roses. This one just happens to be in my front yard. Isn’t it beautiful?


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